Cloudsa background of cartoon-style cloudsCloudsa background of cartoon-style cloudsCloudsa background of cartoon-style cloudsCloudsa background of cartoon-style clouds

Save money on your insurance

Get personalized quotes from top carriers.

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Car Insurance

start nowAs low as $49/mo
obamacare logo - rising sun above a field in colors of USA flag


start nowAs low as $0/mo
White Chip Figurea smiling cartoon-style chip, red, slim limbs, white gloves and shoes
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a cartoon-like car icon

Personalized Quotes from Multiple Carriers

How can we save our clients so much cash? We have long-lasting relationships with the major insurance carriers and we understand what questions to ask to get the best rates. White Chip Insurance ensures we will find you the cheapest car insurance possible!

White Chip Car Insurance
obamacare logo - rising sun above a field in colors of the USA flag

We Make Obamacare Easy for You

Obamacare insurance has specific open enrollment periods throughout the United States and during this period, you can choose from the different health care plans that are available under the Affordable Care Act individually or for a family.

Obamacare Health Insurance
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Easy to Enroll

Some key things you need to know about the enrollment process will be clearly outlined.


A Partner

We will show you all the ACA plans and can suggest coverage plans that best suit you.

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No Extra Cost to You

Pair your Obamacare Health Insurance plan with White Chip Car Insurance in Florida.

White poker chip mascot typing on computer

Get Quotes Online

Answer a few questions and get personalized quotes from top carriers.

White poker chip mascot holding phone and smiling

Call an Agent

Our licensed agents are ready to help you find a cheaper rate.

call (888) 242-7540